Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Bro. Barack Obama Secret Freemason Handshake 'Grip' with Rev. John Jenkins Notre Dame University President

a.d.p.o.t.t.b.t.f.a.s.js.o.t.h. - a distinct pressure of the thumb between the first and second joints of the hand


  1. Not even close moron!

  2. very,very simple minded. Poeple that even think that masonary is of evil needs to review their own situation.

    1. Freemasonry promotes the consumption of flesh, helping sinfully rich people overlook the sin of their greed. The Lion WILL lye down with the Lamb and the wicked will have no place in My World.

      The Elect One!

  3. Its a masonic handshake allright.

    Masonry might be used for good or bad as I have seen it.

    If it is mingled with world politics it has always been used for bad as I have seen it.

    So don't you lecture us that it is not used for "evil". Most of the masons are nice people most probably, but most of them are not in power of knowledge. Those who are, as we have seen it with e.g. the Bushes, only bring destruction and slavery. You cannot counter that argument.

  4. definitely not a normal handshake

  5. the concept of masonry seems innocent, but the secret workings of it are not

  6. masonry has evil roots, just research Albert Pike, who stated masonry was the one true religion, and he was a professed satan worshipper ( sorry, luciferian worshipper )

  7. Not a true grip or token. All of you trying to use this as proof need your eyes testing!

  8. They are recruiting attorneys now...

  9. "Most of the masons are nice people most probably, but most of them are not in power of knowledge. Those who are, as we have seen it with e.g. the Bushes, only bring destruction and slavery. You cannot counter that argument"

    Sure I can. All I have to do is point out that none of the Bushes are Freemasons. Sheesh.

  10. will be part somoeday

  11. i want to join the freemason can anyone help me thanks

  12. You know what thats called? Thats how men shake hands. With a firm grip. And typically, secret hand shakes are reserved for introdoctions as a means of identifying if you are a member of what you say you are. Not as an everyday thing that would be done at a photo op. To become a free mason, just ask for an application at your local lodge and socialize with it's members.


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