Showing posts with label illuminati. Show all posts
Showing posts with label illuminati. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Barack Obama a Freemason in Prince Hall Freemasonry say Message Board Masons

Barack Obama is he a member ?

reply posted on 5-3-2007 @ 12:25 PM by PrinceHall06

Barack Obama is indeed a 32nd degree Prince Hall Mason. This however is not a secret society, unlike Masonry's detractors would have you believe, in as much as Masonic buildings are CLEARLY marked, members readliy identify themselves with rings, bumper stickers, and lapel pins, I would hardly call the Masonic Fraternal Order , a secret society.

reply posted on 5-3-2007 @ 01:27 PM by yeht


reply posted on 5-3-2007 @ 02:56 PM by PrinceHall06

My source is having sat in open Lodge with Brother Obama.

reply posted on 5-3-2007 @ 03:52 PM by SpeakerofTruth

No better proof than experience..Is there?

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Three Six's are Eighteen

What can one say about Freemasonry other than it is the "gift" that keeps on giving. Case in point I was listening to George Noory interview Alex Jones on Coast to Coast AM the other night about Bro. Ted Turner's recent illuminations on the Bro. Charlie Rose show. A caller made the observation that if one looked at the logo for the Trilateral Commission one could see that the three curved arrows could be seen as three six's. Now I already had the logo posted on the site seeing the organization was founded by one of the most 'powerful' Freemasons in the World - the Rockefeller brothers, but I had never picked up on that. Yes it is three six's.

Also on the three six's subject this past week saw some odd doings. We have the start of the trial of the 18 accused terrorists in Canada, the start trial of the 18 accused terrorists in the UK, and the seizure of 18 girls from the FLDS Church(Cult Compound with Armed Men as reported by TIMEWARNERAOLCNN's Bro. Anderson Cooper).

A spooky coincidence, or a coincidence of Spooky's? Perhaps we are witnessing some kind of elaborate psych-ops stunt to 'shape' public opinion on 'the war on terror' by the brotherhood-of-spooks. I guess the images coming from this weeks Bucharest Conference in Ceaucescu's former Palace under N.A.T.O.'s "cunningly concealed" 'embedded' masonic-occult swastika symbol flag wasn't considered 'all-powerful' enough.

'A career in G overnment...'