Thursday, July 30, 2009

Dr. Conrad Murray Secret Freemason Recognition Hand Signal

Click on image to enlarge

Bro. Murray is said to have become a Freemason three years ago which is the approximate timeframe when he became Michael Jacksons personal physician.

The Fox article referred to in an earlier Freemasonry Watch blog post indicates that Murray's practice took off after joining. You can draw your own conclusions about Michael Jackson's own involvement with Freemasonry however FW Blog Masonic recognition 'cut sign' observations of the Jackson entourage arrival during the recent L.A. trial points towards membership for the late Michael Jackson and his father.

Of course those rings may have really needed adjusting, just as the camera's were rolling, or they really did have an itch on their arm and stomach that needed scratching.

Click link for TMZ Video on Bro. Murray


  1. That's not a masonic sign

  2. Dr. Murray DID NOT become MJ's physician until May '09. AEG claimed Michael knew this physician when he treated his son for a cold in Vegas in 2006. Other that, MJ had NO CONTACT with him as a physician. I believe this man was HIRED by AEG to kill Michael Jackson that's why they had him on their payroll. AEG told MJ that this doctor can help monitor his HEART as he prepared for this concert; thus, the reason he had a cardiologist. Why would MJ hire a cardiologist to give him Dipravan/Propofol for $150,000/month? He could have just hired an Anestesiologist. Michael was intentionally murdered on June 25 to gain control of his Estate. The Estate owner, AEG, and Sony are all on the same team.

  3. The Masons are not a cult or anything other than a mans organisation made up of different religions. Yes there is more to it than that...and no one kills anyone. The Blacks have there own lodges. The Knights of Columbus is alot like the Masons & etc. and at one time they were going to get together with both becoming one organization. I think too many people have too much time on their hands.

    1. "The Knights of Columbus is alot like the Masons & etc. and at one time they were going to get together with both becoming one organization''
      i would hardly think so.. citation needed for that please!

  4. MJ was not murdered, his time came up, remenber success can only be kept for 30 to 33 years no more.
    Now, the problem starts how you do the exit, or how you die, some go peacefully, some in car accident & some find an excuse and end up blaming the Dr, drugs, women and so on....
    Brother Murray is not guilty & will never be guilty, he was at wrong place & at the wrong time & made a deal with a wrong person....

    1. Reveal your fake lodge. Masons has nothing to do with this and this creature is not a MASON. #F&AM

  5. the national enquierer has a pic of murray in full masonic dress

  6. I subscribe to the story which maintains that Michael Jackson was assassinated (medically by this doctor who, perhaps through masonry, was obliged to some high ranking person in the New World Order and there was a political motivation). This theory, which can be found online, maintains he was not killed just to get hold of his estate - a most disirable gem - but more importantly, because he had agreed with a suggestion by the Prince of Bahrain that Michael use his upcoming concert venue to introduce to the public their mutual friend, Jane Burgermiester.

    A few weeks before his death this woman, a well known European activist, had submitted documents in June 2009 to the FBI offices of several nations charging high ranking medical, U.S. government, pharmacuetical and global health officials with planning and executing mass murder for profit.

    Had Michael lived to make any sort of a positive gesture towards her during his concert, she would have gained the attention of millions of Jackson fans rather than have her filed FBI claim be submerged by the corporate media.

    Her charges filed with the FBI are highly political because they oppose the New World Order and the investment of its corporate and western governmental elite in the H1N1 vaccination that soon will be given to millions.

    Some doctors and scientists are convinced that H1N1 is a combined human, bird and swine flu created in a laboratory that will cause far more infective deaths than it may prevent. The WHO already has declared a global pandemic and should the number of deaths continue to grow, Burgermeister also was trying to prevent western governmental plans to join with military power to enforce mandatory vaccinations on an unsuspecting public.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. murray is a freemason, he was hired to kill MJ because he wanted to prevent him from waking ppl up about the illuminati

  9. heya. conrads lodge might be the prince hall lodge

    greets from germany

  10. The Freemasons, the Illuminati and The new world order are all ONE!!!! We have to much time on our hands???? B.S. We are finally finding out the truth about these organization, so you get a grip and a life!!!!!

  11. We will not be able to live or have a grip on our lives, as we are controlled and monitered, whether we like it or not; If you go against them they (Mason, Iluminati,) eliminate you. This is a totalitarian Wolrdorder preparing for the Anti Christ. We have not seen the last of them. They are comming out and displaying themselves in front of you. People think as if it is just another cult. But the truth is more than that... beware...

  12. You think you all know so much? You know the tip of the ice burg? NO. You're looking at the ice burg from 2 miles out, in a paddleboat, with shitty binoculars. We don't actually know what they're gonna do, we just can't understand. That's why our movement is in the making. They expect ignorant, incapable people; I see an army of revolt bigger than theirs by millions. I tell you, THIS IS A COMMAND. Don't let them take your guns. Try and avoid legal issues. Stay out of their clusterfucked circle of incarceration, felons cannot own guns, and look how many felons are pumped through the system. DON'T LET THEM HAVE YOUR GUNS. They already seem to be in a 'gun control' state of mind, now imagine the feeling of not owning any guns the day they storm your house, take your family, then dump them into A FACILTY similar to a concentration camp. It's a day you can never get back. Know that we still have a short amount of time, to deviate this plot against the innocent. Everywhere you go, anything you hear, it's all trying to tell you something, open your ears, and open your minds. These bastards stand in front of millions with a smug grin, knowing one day they'll slaughter your family if you so choose to oppose their 200+ year reich. Join me in this movement. I do not seek your blood, your money, your estate, anything of that nature. I just want you to be my brothers and sisters, and live tranquil to ascend to a higher intellectual state of mind. A place we can all live, love, share, barter, exist. Where the truth reigns supreme over everything, and the word 'classified' is abolished. NO more monopolized Federal reserve or money that has zero value.

  13. I am sorry op, are you insinuating that MJ was a freemason? I might have misunderstood. I hope he was not. He was always about love and light, and not secret handshakes in the semi dark. Still if he was lured into masonry, so be it, he will not be the first.

    What is for sure is that Murray was a mason as he is seen pictured in all his regalia. Very strange if you think about it because I haven't seen any mason in their regalia pictured in widely available photos, well at least no one that hasn't died 60 years or so ago. And even those notable figures that were allegedly masons, I haven't seen them in their so to speak uniform. Which is understandable it being a secret society and all, but strange how Murray would be so forthcoming about his membership.

    The last public person I remember to be so forthcoming about this 33 degree membership was that Seinfeld actor who embarrassed himself by being a vile racist on stage. I am sure this can hardly speak on masons as a whole, but I guess their motto of making good men better falls a bit short with the likes of money hungry doctors stupidly and irresponsibly prescribing legal anesthetics to addicts like MJ (and without any sense whatsoever to get the proper medical equipment to at least monitor their patients with some decency and responsibility) or to bona fide racists like that seinfeld actor. Still of those millions of masons that prefer to be private, and of course it's their right to do so, about their affiliation I am sure a lot of them are perfectly decent people, despite their secrecy and alleged conspiratorial meetings. So, to have those two of the very few publicly declared's not good. Still Steven Wozniac is the third publicly open mason I know and he is such a gent.

    Well, anyway, regardless of masonic affiliations, Murray was one damn irresponsible, criminal, stupid doctor. It's a parody that the judge let's him continue his practice. It might be that whole masonic thing again doing him such favour to the "widows son". But as far as judges go, he is criminal too, ihmo. It's not enough to say, ok practice medicine but don't prescribe any anesthetics. Why is he going to be any more responsible in the rest of his practice seeing as he didn't have the modicum of responsibility to have an anesthesiologist colleague advice him on his prescriptions to MJ, no resuscitation equipment, no breathing assistance machines (that as the trained anesthesiologist on the case said they are sine qua non in such high dose of propofol). And to top it all he gave this dosage to MJ at 10.00 am in the morning after a steepness night where he d already prescribed him a barrage of different benzodiazepines. I am sorry but if the judge had any sense of human decency he wouldn't let this irresponsible and stupid man anywhere near patients. He might be a mason doing favors to another mason of course, which is most probably the case, and that makes it even more despicable, because I am sure that there are masons who are doctors and judges that would but their sound judgment above any allegiance they might have. To let this criminally negligent guy anywhere near a patient is a travesty.

    Of course there is another possibility still, that of Murray not being just a dumb careless fvck as he seems to be but part of conspiratorial plot, not by the masons of course, but by the concert organizer of MJ's to do away with the star. It's very very possible, as the other story that of a criminally stupid and inept doctor is hard to swallow. Who would give such powerful anesthetics without some sort of breathing assistance device by the side, and a resuscitation device, who would give propofol early in the morning and then disappear for an hour and a half to make calls. Jesus, just thinking about it make one shivers, doctors can be (we all know) such idiot pricks....RIP MJ.

  14. I need to research the FreeMason Illuminati belief...Interesting-- and want to know Conrad Murray's involvement. Pray the truth prevails and anyone responsible for Michaels vulnerability and death will be revealed. Jesus knows exactly what happened and eventually whether in this life or not we'll all stand before Him and give an account of our lifes. Shocking that Murray was so incompetent and irresponsible.!! A physician not prepared to save his patients life..Not the proper equipment being used or available. Murder for sure.Terrible to think about. I pray Michael is in heaven at peace and free from all the torment, unkindness and false accusations...Murray needs to be held accountable along with whoever else was involved..RIP Michael

  15. I pray for Michael too, or he prays for me, and hopefully there is a god, although it's doubtful, or even a great architect as the masons believe in, for whatever that occult believe is worth, that will be some consolation, even, compared to there being nothing.

    Anyway I think Michael prays for us now, and that is indeed some consolation.

    Of course justice is justice, and this "doctor" should have already be behind bars, but I 've been reading he is still allowed to practise medicine, despite by all accounts being a culprit of malpractise, of the worst and most murderous sorts, against his patient. It seems his masonic connections are paying... although I d hate to think that... but how else can you justify someone practising medicine after such gross negligence to one of the greatest artists, supplying anaesthetics whilst unqualified, and doing so without an inkling of the proper medical equipment, let alone the expertise, to do so.... Yet this man, who served as an anaesthesiologist without being one, who even in that supposed capacity couldn't spent a few bucks for a monitoring or resuscitating machine is allowed to treat -unbelievable isn't it- people, apparently because he is a mason and his brothers are taking care of him, because what else could justify this? Nothing. It's sad and repulsive.

    Rest in peace dear Michael.


  17. If he is north of the 33rd degree, I would be surprised. I would guess he is a 3rd degree mason.

  18. I know I am just seeing this but I had to comemnt I am a mason.. a true F & AM PHA mason .. And I can say that altough their are pictures of Conrad Murray in masonic dress ..HE IS NOT A MASON .. And I say this because his Grand Lodge or anyone affiliated with it is BOGUS ( or clandestine in the masonic world meaning not real ) they are not recognized by any of the true GRAND LODGE BODIES in Texas to include F & AM , F & AM PHA , and Scottish Rite ,,what you all do nto realize is that we have certain policies in place for our fraternity .. He is in a bogus orginization that is not recognized by any of so HE IS NOT A TRUE MASON & and MICHEAL JACKSON WAS NOT A MASON .. WE DO KEEP RECORDS .. SMDH Do your reseach IJS

  19. The freemasons did not kill Micheal Jackson and we have nothing to with the Illumanati and we are tired of being put in the same boat as them CONRAD MURRAY IS NOT A REAL MASON .. and he is not recognized by any true body of masons in his state .. His Grand lodge is bogus and this is from a real mason .. HE IS NO BROTHER OF MINE .. CLANDESTINE ...PHALOSOPHER357

  20. To the person up there who said that the masons are not a cult. They are most certainly a cult and are a religion. You most certainly need to do some research on them. Look up Manley P. Hall, ex 33rd degree free mason. Most masons don't know what is really going on. Only the top 5-10% are aware and participate in the satanic occult rituals that they do. They go hand in hand with the illuminati, skull and bones, etc.


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