(Click to Enlarge)
This image was recently posted at the ATS Secret Societies Page, a discussion forum with a large number of resident 'e-masons'. A Freemason who appears to be Jay Z is sitting in the second row middle with his eyes looking at the photographer with a none-too-pleased to being photographed expression.
The photograph appears to have been taken inside a Church during a Masonic Service of some kind, likely a masonic funeral ritual. The Masonic Membership of Jay Z has been a point of contention and discussion for some time due to certain gestures and phrases made by the rapper.
Many Ministers no longer permit Masonic Ritual's to take place in their Church. Of course many Church's still find themselves under Masonic control through their council, who will usually try and hire a fellow Freemason as the Pastor. In secret of course.
2007 Article - Is Jay Z a Freemason?
Masonic 'Grand Entrance' Recognition 'Cutsigns' @ 00:15, 00:23, 00:27
Fallen IMF chief Bro. Dominique Strauss-Kahn pleaded not guilty to attempted rape of a New York hotel maid, setting up a fierce courtroom showdown with his accuser.
Sis? Candy Crowley interviews Bro. Ron Paul (R-TX) on the CNN Sunday Morning Program 'State of the Union' June 5, 2011
The Duegard of the Master Mason alludes to the position of the hands when taking the oath of the Master Mason, "both hands resting on the Holy Bible, square, and compasses."
G Encompassed
Main Entry: encompass
Part of Speech: verb
Definition: surround, circumscribe
Synonyms: beset, circle, compass, encircle, enclose, envelop, environ, gird, girdle, hem in, ring