Tahir W · 89 videos
Published on Jan 31, 2013
Countries that send their military officers to United States for training should be more vigilant and careful as General (R) Shahid Aziz of Pakistan Army admits that he was invited into Freemasonry during his training in America
Translated script:
Host: there is something very exciting in your book, not once you have repeated it thrice in your book on page 138 and 144 that you when you went on course to
America there an official attempted to change your loyalties and hire you as a spy and give you a rank in US army..
Gen: I went twice on course, and happened both the times.
Host: and once you were ask to work for Freemasonry.
Gen: Yes on the second visit I was offered to join Freemasonry.
He asked me to join him on a visit to Peru on vocation along with your family and have a meeting with our higher official that even I have not met yet and its ok if you do not want to join us, but we work for peace in world and we choose good people, he told me, I asked how did you choose me?
So, he replied that I don't know that but these are my order from the higher officials at the headquarters.
Host Hamid: ok When they attempted to changer your loyalties twice they also asked that you may work for us while remaining in Pak-Army.
Gen: yes they did asked for it.
Host: Are you the only person who have been given such offers or do you think others may well have also been given such offers?
Gen: I think, they know the officers who go there from such countries like ours are the selected ones and they may be promoted to higher positions and when they wil get there they will be of our use, I think the pracitce of opproaching official may have been adopted in countries where Freemasons are working specially in UK and US where they are working against the interests of Muslims.