Friday, October 14, 2011
VIDEO: Solyndra CEO makes Masonic Handsignals prior to 'testimony'
Cutsigns @ 05:29 & 05:43 at swearing in before congressional committee. (Tie Sweep and Hand on Suit Lapel)
CNN VIDEO: Sis. Sarah Palin Will Not Run in 2012
Masonic Woman Sarah Palin makes a Freemason Recognition 'Cutsign' at 00:02 and 00:06 (Hand pat on thigh)
NBCVIDEO: Bro. Arnold Schwarzenegger unveils statue, inaugurates museum in Austria
Freemason Schwarzenegger makes Masonic Recognition 'Cutsigns' at 00:01 and 00:03 (Suit Button and Suit Lapel Gesture). Jay Leno is also a Freemason of course as was/is his predessor/successor Johnny Carson and Conan O'Brien.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Photo of Rapper Jay Z in Masonic Dress at Freemason Church Funeral Service?

Friday, June 10, 2011
Freemason Dominique Strauss-Kahn 'Grand' Entrance at Manhattan Courthouse
Fallen IMF chief Bro. Dominique Strauss-Kahn pleaded not guilty to attempted rape of a New York hotel maid, setting up a fierce courtroom showdown with his accuser.
Click here to view Youtube clip
('Cutsigns' @ 00:02, 00:06, 00:12)

Out on bail, 'Socialist' Freemason ex-IMF chief arrives on Broadway, no longer near Freemason Bernie Madoff's bail apt.
Freemasonry Watch

Click here to view Youtube clip
('Cutsigns' @ 00:02, 00:06, 00:12)

Out on bail, 'Socialist' Freemason ex-IMF chief arrives on Broadway, no longer near Freemason Bernie Madoff's bail apt.
Freemasonry Watch
Tuesday, June 07, 2011
Freemason Ron Paul A Serious Contender in 2012?
Sis? Candy Crowley interviews Bro. Ron Paul (R-TX) on the CNN Sunday Morning Program 'State of the Union' June 5, 2011
The Duegard of the Master Mason alludes to the position of the hands when taking the oath of the Master Mason, "both hands resting on the Holy Bible, square, and compasses."
G Encompassed
Main Entry: encompass
Part of Speech: verb
Definition: surround, circumscribe
Synonyms: beset, circle, compass, encircle, enclose, envelop, environ, gird, girdle, hem in, ring
Monday, May 23, 2011
West African Leaders On The Square Against Ivory Coast Freemason Gbagbo
Jan 5, 2011
By Dr. Gary K. Busch
One of the key as aspects of the current impasse in the Ivory Coast is the important role played by the French Freemasons and their African lodge leaders. Virtually all the African leaders ranged against Gbagbo and supporting the elite cadre of French business and political leaders are Freemasons affiliated to the same lodges as the French business and political group. It is impossible to understand how Franceafrique works without reference to the Masons.
The French Masons represent the elite of French business and politics, Most of them were educated together at the same two schools and most pursue a career in the administration of the French government or the administration of French business. At French firms there is often pressure to hire or promote people based on their connections. A study by Francis Kramarz and David Thesmar published in 2006 by the Institute for the Study of Labour in Bonn looked at three French business networks: former civil servants who graduated from the Ãcole Nationale dâ Administration, former civil servants who graduated from the Ecole Polytechnique and Ecole Polytechnique graduates who went straight into business. These two elite schools, which produce 500 or so French graduates a year, dominate the boards of France's biggest companies. The study showed that firms run by former civil servants who maintained their links to government markedly underperformed those run by executives with purely private-sector backgrounds[i].
Freemason lodges maintain a formidable, covert influence within the French judicial and police structures. All three Freemason lodges in France have gained reputations in recent years for being caught out peddling political influence and pursuing false invoicing on state contracts, particularly in companies controlled by the state. Freemasons in the judiciary hamper any investigations through bureaucratic measures designed to torpedo any serious attempt at reform. One of the topmost grievances raised by the muzzled Press is the Grande Lodge National Francaise (GLNF) open-armed embrace of brutal or corrupt African dictators who are Masons. The other two Grand Lodges are no different.
Just as in France, Freemasonry is ubiquitous at the very top in many African states. Denis Sassou Nguesso, the Congolese president, is Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Congo Brazzaville linked to the National Grand Lodge of France; President Mamadou Tanja of Niger; Chad's Idriss Deby and Francois Boziz of the Central African Republic are among at least twelve African presidents linked to the Masons. In November 2009 Ali Bongo, the new Gabonese President was ordained as the grand master of the Grand Lodge of Gabon (GLB) and the Grand Equatorial Rite, the two predominant Freemason orders in Gabon.[ii]
Article Continues
Freemasonry Watch
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Out on bail, 'Socialist' Freemason ex-IMF chief arrives on Broadway, no longer near Freemason Bernie Madoff's bail apt.

From - Fri May 20, 2011
Former IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn was settling into a new, temporary abode on Friday on New York's Broadway but he was a long way from the neon lights and theaters that make the street famous.and
Some New Yorkers in the area weren't happy about having such a controversial new neighbor. One man held up a pink cardboard sign that read: "D.S.K. Not In my Backyard."and
His wife, French television journalist Anne Sinclair, had reportedly rented a luxury apartment on Manhattan's Upper East Side in the Bristol Plaza, where a two-bedroom suite costs up to $14,200 a month.and
At the Bristol Plaza, Strauss-Kahn would have had goose down pillows, daily maid service and a soaking tub in an Italian marble bathroom. Building manager, Milstein Properties, declined to comment on media reports that it refused to rent to Sinclair after it became aware of the high-profile tenant.and
Strauss-Kahn would also not have been the first personality to be confined to an apartment in the swank neighborhood, where just a few blocks away disgraced financier Bernard Madoff was detained in his penthouse. Madoff is now in prison, serving a 150-year sentence for Wall Street's biggest investment fraud.and
Freemasonry Watch
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Freemason Stephen Harper Masonic Handsignal Morocco Royal Palace
'Cutsign' @ 00:17, 'Grip' attempt @ 01:59
Grand Lodge of Romania Signs Treaty with Grand Orient of Morocco - Photographs
Friday, February 11, 2011
Freemason Secret Handshake: Ron Paul is Bill Maher's New Hero
HBO ordered a copy of the following video annotated with Masonic 'cutsign' & 'grip' markers titled 'Freemason Secret Handshake: Ron Paul is Bill Maher's New Hero' removed from Youtube. HBO, or Bro. Maher perhaps, doesn't seem to mind however the long time and continued posting of the clip by the Ron Paul Campaign website. 'Libertarianism' is not a secret society, 'Libertarianism' is a society with secrets...
A Series of Masonic Grand Entrance 'Grips' and 'Cutsigns' by Bro. Maher and his Freemason guests
00:40 Masonic 'Cutsign' by Bill Maher
00:44 Masonic 'Grip' by Bill Maher & Ron Paul
00:48 Masonic 'Grip' by Ron Paul & Ben Affleck
00:50 Masonic 'Grip' by Ron Paul & PJ O'Rourke
00:51 Masonic 'Cutsign' by PJ O'Rourke
01:00 Masonic 'Cutsign' by Ron Paul
01:02 Masonic 'Cutsign' by Ron Paul
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
VIDEO: Arnold Schwarzenegger Secret Freemason Handsignal on German TV 1982
Bro. Schwarzenegger Freemasonry Grand Entrance 'cutsign' @ 00:04
Thursday, January 06, 2011
FREEMASON VIDEO: Bro. Rodney Dangerfield and Bro. Don Rickles on The Tonight Show Starring Bro. Johnny Carson
Masonic 'cutsign' @ 00:44, etc.
@ 00:04, etc.
@ 00:12, 00:15 etc.
Bro. Letterman @ 00:28
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Freemason Richard Holbrooke Remembered by P.B.S. as Major User of Freemasonry 'Secret' Handsignals
'Cutsigns' @ 01:07, 02:13, 02:29, 02:32, 02:36, 03:12
'Grips' @ 03:24, 03:26
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
The Bush Brothers on CNN's Sis. Candy Crowley
Bro. Jeb Bush Freemason Ring Fiddle Signal (Masonic Ring, Grip, Cutsign Inferences) @ 02:01
Bro. George H.W. Bush Freemason Signals on Bro. Larry King Live
Suit Downward Tug (Apron Inference) & Suit Button Fiddle (cut sign inference) @ 01:53 & 01:57
Sunday, November 07, 2010
Freemason David Cameron arrives at Buckingham Palace to be appointed Prime Minister
00:30, 00:33
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Michael Jackson Freemason Handsignals in 'You Rock My World' Video
Suit Button Fiddle & Lapel Hand Sweep @ 00:04, 00:06, 00:33, 00:49, 00:58 etc.
Bee Gee's Masonic Secret Handsignals on 'Dancing with the Stars'
@ 00:03 & 01:18
Grand Entrance Watch continued @ 00:27, 02:01, 02:20 etc.

The Letter G: The Mason is taught that the "G" in the Masonic symbol represents God. Later on, he is told that it also represents "deity." Later still, he is told that it represents "geometry." In reality, this letter represents the "generative principle," the Sun-god and, thus, the worshipped phallus.
Beehive: Symbolic of the lodge itself as only the bees in the hive are aware of the activities inside.
Wednesday, September 08, 2010
VIDEO: Sis. Sarah Palin 'Grand Entrance' at Bro. Glenn Beck's 'Restoring Honor' Rally
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Sis. Oprah's Personal Chef Cut's Secret Masonic Hand Signal To Avoid Getting Voted Off Top Chef 'Masters' TV Reality Show
Unfortunately the masonic producers edited out the more aggregious examples of Oprah's personal chef (two-handed downward hand sweep) from the posted clip.
e.g. @ 04:30 & 06:22
It seems one had to be a member of Freemasonry to get invited onto this program, with the possible exception of Mr. Bayless. You can view Masonic handsignals being employed by contestants throughout the program including the opening credits. Of course there are thousands of qualified non-mason 'master' chefs in the United States who have not been established as famous tv chefs. There are also thousands of qualified non-mason Journalists, Writers, Actors and Directors who have a much more difficult time of getting hired thanks to the Freemasonry Network operating inside the entertainment industry secretly giving preference to the careers of Masons.
Membership in something as sleezy as Freemasonry shouldn't be a qualification for anything.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Rep. Bart Stupak (D-MI) makes Secret Masonic Handsignal before BP CEO Bro. Tony Hayward
Freemason Secret Handsignal @ 00:01 & 00:06
B.P. C.E.O. Tony Hayward opens U.S. Congress Testimony on Gulf Oil Disaster and makes Secret Masonic Handsignal
Thursday, April 01, 2010
Bro. Stephen Colbert's 3/11 Secret Freemasonry Handshake with Bro. David Aaronovitch, author of 'Voodoo History'

Secret Masonic 'Grip' is exchanged at beginning of the interview
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